
Saturday, November 30, 2013

It's a Sales Event

The sale starts today.  All of the products in my store are on sale.
Check it out here.

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Harvest Festival Mrs. Wishy Washy

At the end of our farm unit we celebrate with a Harvest Festival.  Everyone dresses up like a farm animal, farmer, cowboy, or like me, Mrs. Wishy Washy.  The children are always so excited about dressing up.

We take pictures, eat a special snack, and do arts and crafts.  It's a lot of work, but so much fun. At the end of the day I was exhausted.  Nothing like the week of Thanksgiving to recoup.

Mrs. Wishy Washy and her assistant 

Animal Cupcakes, Pigs in a Blanket, Chicken Feed, Acorns, Animal Crackers, Moo Pops, and Milk

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Turkeys in Disguise

We had a family project to disguise a turkey to save him from Thanksgiving dinner.  The students took home a turkey pattern and had to work with their family to disguise him.  The day they brought them in we read Turkey Trouble.

A minion

A gumdrop Christmas tree

A Ladybug

A Hollywood star

Darth Vader

The Forest

A Princess

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Farm Animal Projects

Students completed a home project with their families.  They chose a farm animal and had to decorate it using various materials.  There were so many creative and unique ideas.  Students loved sharing them.

They also completed a farm animal report.  They had to name their farm animal, tell what the animal likes to do, eat, and what noise the animal makes. Both the animal pattern and the animal farm report can be found in my farm packet.  

Click the picture above to be taken to my TPT store.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

On the Farm Part 2

While learning about the animals on the farm, we had a milk taste test.  We tasted chocolate milk, strawberry milk, and white milk.  We then created a graph sharing which flavor was our favorite.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

On the Farm

We started our farm unit last week.  The first week we focused on animals that live on the farm and what they provide for us.  We did a series of TLC art projects creating various farm animals.

We made butter in baby food jars.  One of my students said, "We're making butter? I thought cows made butter."

It was a lot of fun.  They really had no idea what to expect.  They were told to shake the jars and find out what happens.

It takes a lot of concentration to make butter.

A firm grip on the jar is essential.

The joy of all of our shaking is here.

They gobbled all of the butter and crackers up.  So much fun!

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